Our very last shoot of 2019 ended up being an interesting one not only in subject matter, but in logistics too which is the perfect storm for us….
The Borealis Soul crew had gotten a hold of us as they have a feature coming up in a National dance magazine and needed some new images for it. We were stoked to take this on, not only because they’re just a crew of awesome humans, but also because we got to do something a bit outside the box by turning a local frozen landscape into our set for the day.
So, in -24C weather, we headed out early to set up a wall tent along the shores of Fish Lake, alongside the ice fishers and snowmobilers. This was to serve as our warming tent where the talent could grab a cup of tea and snacks while warming up between takes. Our #1 priority of the day was safety-no frozen toes or fingers..something you have to take seriously during a full day Yukon winter shoot.
BTS Photo by: Mikaela Kruse Photography and shout out to Lea-Ann McNally for the pro assist!
We then bundled up in as many layers as we could and worked for the ‘full day’ of sunlight, which in December in the Yukon was from about 10am-4pm.
What we realized when we booked the shoot was that we’d coincidentally planned it for the weekend of the shortest day of the year…SO knowing that we had limited daylight, we had to be super efficient, well thought out and methodical in planning the day to ensure we used every bit of our limited time out there.
The bonus of the shortest day of the year, however, is that it results in a beauty golden light basically all day….The “golden hour” doesn’t exist up here in December…instead you basically get “golden days”.
The crew was so great to work with, and we’re stoked with the results!