Yukon Photog

The people behind the city...Photo Library update!

We’ve mentioned before that photo libraries are one of our favourite ways to create content for clients. Instead of one-off photo shoots as things come up over time, photo libraries are a way to purposefully create a library of personalized stock images that marketing and communications teams can then pull from as needed.

A lot of our larger clients are now turning towards these libraries as it can help communications teams pull content easily and efficiently in order to not only plan ahead for campaigns, but also respond when an event comes up throughout the year that they need content for.

We recently did an update on some of the City of Whitehorse departmental photography, and as always, had so much fun working with all of the crews. Always welcoming to us hauling our gear into their offices, or capturing them out on a job site no matter the weather-just a bunch of pros!

2018...the year the blog comes back...

Last year we took a little break from blogging. We had a new member join the GBP team (our daughter Mabel) and so paired down a little bit on some things to get her situated in her new job as future assistant for the company. 

But  now that we're all back in the full swing, we decided it was time to dust off the old Blog sharing skills and get back into it, so with that, thought we'd jump in by sharing one of our latest projects here in 2018!

We recently did some portraits for our friends who are starting up their new production company, Outpost 31. These guys are pros in the film industry, now combining their talents under one roof and so were looking for some new imagery for their website launch! 

Keep your eyes out for projects coming your way from Outpost 31...