
New websites need a new look!

We often get calls from clients when they're about to make a change in their marketing or promotion.

Whether they're starting a new business, doing a re-brand, or just starting off a new year, it's often a great time to re-visit their marketing materials and ensure they're as up to date and fresh as they need to be!

In one of our most recent shoots, our client Sarah contacted us as she was about to launch a new website for her lifestyle business, and wanted some more current photos to help populate the site. 

We wanted to ensure she had a variety of shots that feature her, as the lead consultant, and really focus on a fresh, healthy, and light feel as she works with helping people make lifestyle changes to help them deal with chronic pain.

The awesome team at the Birch and Bear helped us out by providing a great location for the indoor and patio shots, and then the Yukon River made for the perfect backdrop for some more casual outdoor looks.

Check them out! 




Product Photography, Yukon Styles!

Guys, we've discovered your next pair of boots...

We worked with the fine folks at Wayfare Woollens for both a model shoot, and a product shoot for their line of boots last month, and Brianne may or may not have left with a pair on her feet.

Our models were absolute troopers-willing to stand outside on a very cold day with us, but at least we knew their feet were warm! We did a number of different scenes throughout the day, and then finished off back at our studio to do the product shots.

If you want to check out some of their items (and we highly recommend them), go to:


Photo Shoot Fresh... Portraits by GBP Creative

Birthdays. They are always a good time.

They become even better, when you get to gift one of your best friends a surprise portrait session! And even BETTER is watching that friend's boyfriend have to try to organize the whole surprise (which also included her whole family flying in for the weekend) and him just about having a melt down trying to keep her from finding out...Now THAT is what made this particular session so damn fun. (Beal, you're a good man buddy!)

Needless to say, we had an awesome time with this shoot. How can you go wrong with Prosecco and party dresses?